Why did I choose medicine?! |
Sunday, December 31, 2006 |
Recap 2006 |
I've gone through so much this year. But praise God, it was so worth it.. (I've added some new photos to some of the posts, have a look if you're curious)
The year had a bad start, but things slowly got better. Thanks to my Psychiatry posting, I could find reasons to smile. Never would I imagine how psychiatric patients could do silly things to make my day a good one. Have a drink with me one day, I'll tell you great stories about the psychiatric ward. Crazier than the psych patients were the batchmates in my posting!! We were crazy and happening enough to have a BBQ in IMU after our exam..

Ru Wei brought me to join a LifeGroup with Jill, Kenneth, Chung, Emily and Gene. Then from there, I started going for Christian Fellowship. The LifeGroup never had anymore gatherings after that, but it doesn't matter. The friends I've made in CF, and the lessons about being a Christian that I've learnt, was good enough. It was the beginning of the best year of my life.

Read: Psyched about psychiatry
Started clubbing again. All Linda's fault. Haha.. I was kidding. It's just that I was finally able to enjoy a clubbing session, because of the great company. I did so many crazy things, just to go clubbing in KL. One more session, 3rd January 2007 "Retro Nite".. then it's the end of my clubbing life. Terms and conditions applied :p Read: Aint life peach, One last night out (or not)
I've made some great friends this year. Who? The seniors! Malacca trip, Music Nite and all the dinners they've let me join in.. I really value our friendships. Thanks for letting me be a 'pseudo-senior'! Good luck with Sem9 finals!

Read: Happening
My greatest contribution to the Student Representative Council was helping with the Malaysian Medical Student Conference 2006. I've never been so tired in my life! After that conference, I was totally burnt out, waiting for the moment I could step down from SRC. However, never would I have learnt the art of "PR-ing" and "Having a thick-face" if it wasn't for SRC and this conference.
Read: Malaysian Medical Students Conference *New photos*
I had such a wonderful 23rd birthday. Thank God for blessing me with great friends who try hard to make me happy. Love you all!
Read: Thank You
Crappy Sem7 finals. But I managed to pass. Phew! But I'm still not happy, the exam made me realise how weak I am in certain areas of my studies.
Joined my church's Exist Conference. Took up the challenge to go all by myself for the 'Young Adults' stream when the rest of my friends joined the 'College' stream. I've never been so proud of myself! Other than the knowledge I've gained and all the spiritual building, the courage to go through something like that made me feel so much more stronger and confident of myself!
Read: I deserve a longer holiday
I went to Jakarta! Woohoo!! Can I go back for more shopping?
Read: It was so worth it
I won RM750 just by pure luck! This definitely tops everything that's happened this year. Who says clubbing doesn't pay off? Heehee..
Read: All for the music man..
Joined the delegates of the FIGO World Congress for dinner at my godfather's house.
Read: FIGO
Invited for an exclusive fashion show. Took a picture with a model and designer. Starting my double life: medical student and KL socialite.
Read: Another thick skinned entry
Organized IMU Seremban's Deeparaya Nite 2006. Definitely caused me the most headaches this year. But as always, the end result made it worth it. Read: All is good over here
I dragged Sudev for a Modified Car Expo. Hillsong came to my church. And I was my dad's date at a Elvis impersonator showcase. Read: Did I mention all is good here?
Won the bowling event for IMU's Sports Week! Read: I should be so lucky
Went to the Global Indian Film Awards and shook hands with Shah Rukh Khan!!
Luckily, the year ended well. I'm so happy :D In the end, all I wanted to do was celebrate the end of a great year with my favourite people.

Well, excluding the lady in red behind us.. Happy New Year everyone! God bless you. *hugz* |
posted by Sha @ 9:22 PM  |
Sunday, December 24, 2006 |
Merry Christmas by the way.. |
Check out how IMU looks like now. God knows where they play basketball now..
posted by Sha @ 11:01 PM  |
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 |
Socialite strikes back |
There are days I think being in Malaysia is just dumb.
I had the opportunity to attend the Global Indian Film Awards(GIFA) held in Bukit Jalil National Stadium last Saturday. Anyone who watches Hindi films would do anything to get the chance to see their favourite Hindi movie stars walk right in front of them. Anyone would do more than just anything to attend it for FREE.
Lucky me :p
I was forced to go. After sleeping at 3am the night before because of the bowling match, I needed sleep badly. But since my whole family was invited to go, and we had free tickets.. I guess you could say I was obliged to go. *sigh* The things a socialite has to do.
The thing that killed me that night was the fact the show only started at 10pm!! It was supposed to start at 7.30pm.. I have no idea whether it was typical of Malaysians to be late, or the movie stars were 'slow-coaches', but seriously, 2 and a half hours late??!!
I found out that the reason the show started late was because a superstar had to go meet some Malaysian big-shots. In 2 different places. Haiyo, why can't the big-shots just meet them at the award show?! Must make that poor person go to your houses then get him stuck in Malaysian traffic jam? Because of that, people who paid to watch the show had to wait 2 and a half hours, and people who lack sleep had to wait until 2am for shut-eye?!!
Another disappointment was when I got to see a dressing room of a 'star'. What-the.. It's horrible! Is that how we take care of our visitors? Imagine the tiles they use in the highway public toilets. Then imagine it in a room as big as your bedroom. Maybe there were reasons for using those rooms, but I still think it's like sending these famous people to our public toilet to dress up.
Lastly, when you thought the show had finally started, the local guest of honour who's supposed to give a speech decides to come an hour late. Thus, an hour after the show has started, we had to listen to a long speech. Who can concentrate on a speech at 11pm?! Just give a short speech and get on with the show-lah! *sigh*
Ok-lah.. enough complaining. I got to meet some Hindi movie stars! I shook hands with Shah Rukh Khan. I was in his dressing room!! No, I didn't see him changing. He just sat there discussing with his personal assistant. I just stood around with my family and talking.
 Arjun Rampal, Hrithik Roshan, John Abraham and Sunil Shetty walked right in front of me when they came to see Shah Rukh in the dressing room. OMG. I had too much pride to walk up to them and act like a crazy, psycopathic female fan. But really, I was shocked at how good looking they were!! I've always thought Sunil was weird looking, but seriously, he looks hot face-to-face!
I want to go to India next month to look for a husband. *cross fingers*
Wow. From meeting designers and models, I'm now meeting movie stars. Heehee.. just lucky I guess. |
posted by Sha @ 8:45 PM  |
Sunday, December 10, 2006 |
I should be so lucky |
I was going to brag about my new 2g iPod nano, which I bought from PC fair for RM599.

I was going to brag about how cool I think it is (but I still can't stand iTunes, still need some getting used to it). But then I thought, it's not really a big deal anyway. I'm just a bit more fashionable than I was the day before (Instead of saying, "Please pass my mp3 player," I'm saying "Please pass my iPod."), but I'm paying the price big time! Screen protector for RM25??!! Cover for RM49 to RM69?!! There is no way anyone will convince me to bring my iPod to Seremban, knowing how easily I can scratch it. Can someone help me and suggest a place I can buy a cover for a cheaper price?
So I'm not going to brag to you about my iPod, eventhough I know now you're all green with envy :p
Little did I know, my week would get better. I'm going to brag about my bowling skills!!
Just a short introduction to what Sports Week is in Seremban Clinical School. For one week, there's 2 teams (Sem6 & 7 as one team, Sem 8,9 & 10 in the other) competing for the Prof. Raman Subramaniam Cup. He's a former Dean. There's 10 games this year (futsal, football, basketball, volleyball, carrom, pingpong, road relay, bowling, darts, badminton), some with boys' and girls' teams. I was on the bowling team. The 'seniors' were at a tie with the 'juniors' by the last day, so bowling was the determining factor on who wins the cup.
Talk about pressure!!
The bowling event goes like this. There a girls' event and boys' event. Each team had 6 players, 3 boys and 3 girls (1 each as reserve). The winner is determined by accummulating all the points collected by all 6 players, each playing 3 games (so all together each player had to throw the bowling ball at least 60 times!).

The seniors won the first game. Not bad, but the points difference wasn't much. Then the juniors started beating us in the the second game. Luckily for us, the senior girls managed to beat them by the 6th or 7th frame in that game. But not enough to save the guys who were still losing to the junior boys. That's when luck was really on my side. I got a strike in the 9th frame. "Terrence, how much points do I get with that strike?" "A strike is only useful when you get another strike. Then it makes a big difference."
Oh great. To help the guys, the girls needed to collect more points. To do that, I needed a spare and hopefully another strike in the final frame for that game.

I got 2 strikes in that frame. Thank God!! The cheers and screaming that came after each strike was indescribable! Thus we won the 2nd game. We did really well in the 3rd game also.. but by then it was obvious we'd 'tapau-ed' the juniors badly. The best part? The Cup belongs to us!

No. I am not the one who won the game and Cup for us. Everyone played a part, and played it well. The seniors' team had great players, that's all. But it did feel good for a moment to think that I'd saved the day.

The bad thing? It's one thing to get great results, but it becomes a problem later on when you used bad technics. My right arm and hand and left leg hurt so much the next day! Throwing a heavy bowling ball 60 times in a night using a bad technic does horrible things to your body. But believe me, I'm still on painkillers, but it's all worth it.
I am SO not playing bowling anytime soon :p |
posted by Sha @ 3:22 PM  |
Friday, December 01, 2006 |
It's almost the new year!! |
One more month.. then it's the end of 2006. It's silly, I know.. but I want the year to end well, and I've got some final acts to do. Haha.. No, I'm not suicidal if you're starting to associate final acts with killing myself. I'm happy.. Can't wait to start a new year.
Study really hard for major postings' exam. Failed my minor posting's OSPE. I was so close to passing! But I'd expected it since I wasn't prepared well enough for that paper. Hopefully I don't repeat the mistake.
Start exercising regularly again. I feel like dying when I'm having case presentations in the ward. And staying up throughout the day is killing me. Need to build up more energy. And drink more water also. Swim, swim, swim!
Make a new blog layout. In the next semester, I plan to spend more time studying and being around patients. Must be serious! Since it's going to be my last year as a medical student and Semester 9 professional exam will be coming up, you'll be seeing less entries on my social life.. more on the things I see or learn in the hospital, clinic, etc. Trying to design a layout that looks less 'girlish', more medically-related. But not so serious also :p
I have no plans for Christmas yet. Still trying to figure out what to do.
Take pictures. So much has happened in this year, and I've made new friends that have changed my life. Some will be leaving soon, need to let them know how much they mean to me.
Go out with friends!!! Some friends will be back in Malaysia starting next week onwards. Yeah!
Finish up whatever job I have left as secretary of SRC. I'm going to step down in one to two weeks' time. Finally.. I'm burnt out.
There's more I would like to do, but it's more personal. Lets hope the year ends well :) |
posted by Sha @ 9:37 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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