Friday, December 01, 2006 |
It's almost the new year!! |
One more month.. then it's the end of 2006. It's silly, I know.. but I want the year to end well, and I've got some final acts to do. Haha.. No, I'm not suicidal if you're starting to associate final acts with killing myself. I'm happy.. Can't wait to start a new year.
Study really hard for major postings' exam. Failed my minor posting's OSPE. I was so close to passing! But I'd expected it since I wasn't prepared well enough for that paper. Hopefully I don't repeat the mistake.
Start exercising regularly again. I feel like dying when I'm having case presentations in the ward. And staying up throughout the day is killing me. Need to build up more energy. And drink more water also. Swim, swim, swim!
Make a new blog layout. In the next semester, I plan to spend more time studying and being around patients. Must be serious! Since it's going to be my last year as a medical student and Semester 9 professional exam will be coming up, you'll be seeing less entries on my social life.. more on the things I see or learn in the hospital, clinic, etc. Trying to design a layout that looks less 'girlish', more medically-related. But not so serious also :p
I have no plans for Christmas yet. Still trying to figure out what to do.
Take pictures. So much has happened in this year, and I've made new friends that have changed my life. Some will be leaving soon, need to let them know how much they mean to me.
Go out with friends!!! Some friends will be back in Malaysia starting next week onwards. Yeah!
Finish up whatever job I have left as secretary of SRC. I'm going to step down in one to two weeks' time. Finally.. I'm burnt out.
There's more I would like to do, but it's more personal. Lets hope the year ends well :) |
posted by Sha @ 9:37 PM  |