Monday, November 27, 2006 |
All is good over here.. |
My first attempt at organizing something on a big scale. With me being the organising chairperson.
No longer the follower.
No longer taking orders, but doing all the ordering around.
No more hiding in the backstage, but being right in the spotlight.
I may have complained alot, I may have unnecessarily burdened myself, I may have not delegated well enough, I may have pissed some people off, I may have sacrificed too much of my time, energy and money, and I may have neglected my studies and other more important things in my life.
But I don't care. Because nothing compares to the look I saw in the people who came for the function. Nothing compares to the compliments I've got. Nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to how proud my parents were with me that night. For one night, they knew that once I have the desire to do something, I will work till the end to do what it takes to do it. The best I can.
There were mistakes here and there. I could have done things better. I don't care. It's good enough for me. In the end, as long as I learn something to improve myself as a person or leader, that's all that matters.
Deeparaya Nite 2006.
posted by Sha @ 8:45 PM  |