Friday, March 03, 2006 |
Psyched about psychiatry |
This was a week of irony and miracles.
Funny how things work out in the end, after one year of chaos. By the end of semester 6, I thought my life was such a crappy one. It was heartbreaking to see my dad get a heart attack and go for a bypass. I felt so miserable knowing that a friendship I valued and fought so hard for once upon a time didn't seem worth it anymore. And a posting that I was hoping to enjoy ended up disappointing me. The worst part of all, I felt like God was so far away from me..
So naturally, on the first week of semester 7, I expected it to be a dull week. I was happy to start a new semester, but I didn't really have much hope that I would be enjoying myself once classes started. Lydia and Shangkeree were in the same posting, I was all alone in psychiatry. Sad, man..
Surprisingly, I had a blast on my first day in the psychiatric ward. Everything was so interesting. And relaxing. And the patients, though weird and creepy most of the time, turned out to be quite funny individuals. I know it's bad to laugh at people with mental diseases, but sometimes the things they do are really funny! I wish I can tell about how each patient was, but I'll save that story for another time.
I've found a great group of brothers and sisters of Christ. Ru Wei, the president of SRC, brought me to a newly formed cell group consisting of sem8s. And the night I'd spent with them was an eye-opener. Everyone shared a testimony that moved me to tears. And when we prayed, I really felt that God was there with us. And somewhere deep inside me, something told me that this year was going to be an exciting one for me, and this group of friends were going to be the ones who'll help me along the way. God has a plan for me, and the time has come for me to carry it out. Hopefully I'll succeed in doing His Will.
Orientation was a blast. Made friends with a lot of juniors. Took them out for dinner around Seremban for 2 nights. There was so much to do this whole week, and I had so much fun! Now, I'm back in KL for the weekend and I'm thinking to myself," Wow, there really is life after tragedies." I guess when bad things happen in your life, and you feel like God is not there for you when you need Him, it's a time for you to decide, to be strong or to be weak.
I chose to be strong.
In the end, after the decision was made, God revealed Himself and helped me be strong. I guess I've passed whatever test He was giving me. I'm so proud of myself.
Wish me luck!
Can I stay in psychiatry forever? Heehee.. |
posted by Sha @ 10:17 PM  |