Friday, October 13, 2006 |
All for the music, man.. |
Have you noticed how often I've been clubbing lately? I bet you can tell how life is in Seremban by how often I would runaway to KL for a night of clubbing.
But you're wrong! Seremban's a cool place. I'm having fun there. And truthfully, despite the complaints I have about studying in IMU, I'm stilll happy to be here. Lets just say I'm easy to please.
But I don't want to blabber about studies, I want to talk about my clubbing obsession! Muahaha.. If there's anyone to blame, I'd blame it on you-know-who. But I shall not mention any name. But you-know-who-lah.
Anyway, last Wednesday night, I came all the way to KL with ChoonSeng to check out Retro Nite at Zouk. Linda had some free invites and the 4 of us (plus Adrian) had one heck of a good time!! Everything was in polka-dots (except the people - only a few of them) and believe me, when they said they'd play the best songs of the century, they really played THE BEST SONGS OF THE CENTURY! Except I didn't quite agree with Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back" being slipped in there somehow.. Haha.. It was a whole different crowd compared to Ghetto Heaven on Thursdays. More Japanase people. More crazier people. The dancing? It's not about how sexy you look when you dance a hiphop number. It's all about being silly! Seriously, if you can't dance for nuts, you'd be the coolest person here in Retro Nite. Overall, the atmosphere, crowd, music and experience was so worth the travelling from Seremban to KL and back. I would definitely be back one day. No doubt.
The next night, the Seremban gang decided to check out a new club,"Trilogy". Finally, someone decided to save our poor souls. You'd think that after Jusco was opened we would be fine. Trilogy was not bad. I liked it alot. I'm happy with any club as long as I can dance my head off (or should I say my heart out?). I was happy up till the point there was a blackout.
How typical of Seremban. But 10 minutes later, the power came back on, and everyone was happy again. It was cool to hang out with a new clubbing gang and meet new clubbers. Especially when some of them are doctors in your hospital! I guess they are glad there's a place for them to de-stress too.
On Saturday night, I went to "Alexis" with Linda and Adrian. It's all about jazz. My first time in a jazz lounge. It was cool. The music was not bad. I was impressed with the drummer and bassist more than the saxophone player. I was more impressed by the pizza!! Nothing but 4 types of cheese? Sheer genius I tell you. Why bother putting any other topping?
To end my entry on my clubbing experience in this 2 weeks, I'll tell you the grand ending to it all. Last night, I went to Trilogy with the Seremban gang again, and despite refusing to have my name called for a lucky draw, I ended up being asked to go in front, play this game of finding the key to open a padlock of a box containing money. In 30 seconds. It was embarassing, man. The girl who went before me failed to open the box. And when it was my turn, I was shaking so much! No one noticed as usual. The whole gang was screaming cheers and telling me what to do. Gosh, I felt like killing someone. When the buzzer started, I was moving so fast! After the 3rd or 4th key I tried, there was a 'click'. Then the silence came. The stares of shock. Then my legs were shaking. Then finally, the scream of joy! All in 2 seconds.
And guess what I'd won? RM750 and 2 bottles of Bacardi.
At that moment, I was the hottest chick in Trilogy. Every man (and women) were checking me out. The DJ kept announcing my name again and again until I felt like killing him if he announced one more time. I was a hot chick who everyone knew her name. Even if I was not a hot chick, I was a chick with rm750 and 2 bottles of Bacardi. Talk about my 'saham' going up. YuTat told me a guy approached him wanting to know me. The doctors who were there were suddenly more interested to talk to me. One even offered free tutorial. Muahaha.. Die. Now everyone loves me, hoping I'd spend my rm750 on them or let them have my bottle.
Wow. Long post. But who cares? I'm happy. That's all that matters. How was your week? |
posted by Sha @ 9:45 PM  |