Wednesday, May 17, 2006 |
Malaysian Medical Students Conference 2006 |
Oh man..
You have not organised anything until you organise a nationwide medical student conference. Believe me, the experience is.. *sigh* The only word that comes to my head is moving.
The biggest task that the SRC(Student Representative Council) had since the last election was to organise a bi-annual medical conference where medical students from all public and private medical universities will gather for a weekend attending talks, workshops et cetera. The organising commitee decided to make this conference all about issues we do not learn from the classes and textbooks, thus the theme became "Et cetera: More That Just Medicine". We had talks on various specialties, Medico-legal Issue, Professionalism and Ethics, and even Telehealth and Health Information System. Workshops were on Personality and Teamwork, Harm reduction and the biggest event was a forum on current issues affecting medical students and doctors today. Other activities were a formal dinner, sports and games and a research project competition. All done in 3 days at Glory Beach Resort Port Dickson.
We went through a lot to organise this conference. There were complaints, disagreements and even times when we wanted to give up. It always seemed like there were problems cropping up everywhere. But as they said, the more challenging the journey, the more rewarding the destination. It was definitely a learning experience. My PR skills have improved alot. Believe me, it's not easy to talk to potential sponsors. I worked so hard to get the right speakers for each talks, and I can't describe how wonderful it felt when delegates complemented on how great the talks were. When Dato' Siva gave his talk on Ethics, and there was a point where the delegates laughed then cheered and clapped, my eyes was tearing. Even as I type this, my eyes are starting to tear. To know that you did everything you could to make something go right, and it does go right or exceed your expectations, it'll move you to tears.
The last night we were there, Ru Wei, Jill, Kenneth, Ivy and I were having our usual prayer session. I was tearing the whole time! I felt so tired, and all I was thinking of was how much I wanted to go to sleep, I sacrificed a lot in my studies for this conference, and to see the smiles on the delegates when they enjoyed the conference was definitely rewarding.
Like I said, the experience was moving. Will I organize another conference? Forget it, not in the near future. Now's the time to be a nerd and concentrate on Semester 7 exams. But thank God for all the times he came through for us..

posted by Sha @ 10:16 AM  |