Sunday, May 13, 2007 |
I love you, mummy |
 "The man may be the head of the house. But the woman is the neck that turns the head in the right direction"
I remember nights when I saw my mum crying when she was talking to my dad on the phone. She knew that for my dad to achieve his dreams of being a successful doctor and being able to take care of the family financially, she had to let him travel while she was left to take care of 2 (troublesome) kids all by herself. To add to her torture, she had to take care of 5 of her siblings at the same time. That's 7 children! But in the end, all is well, and she's enjoying every luxury in the world now as my father has finally come home to spend more quality time (and money..hehe) on her.
I remember when she told me that her parents wanted her to marry a man of the same race and religion, who had dreams of being a doctor and politician. But she chose the man she was in love with, whom only her pastor approved, a man of a different race and religion, who instead of taking her out for dates and pampering her with gifts, spent time typing postgraduate exam notes for his doctors. Oddly enough, she didn't mind helping him type notes night after night. He did make up the lost time and attention. But she was happy that she married a man who's dream was to make other people's dreams come true. Though he was of a different religion, she still married a man of God. That was all that mattered.
I remember times when she would walk through a room, and I'd be so proud of her. Everything was perfect when you looked at her. Her hair, her outfit, her shoes, her walk, her talk, her smile.. I've seen women spend thousands on their appearances and not even look half as good as her. How much does she spend? Believe me, she can afford Zara and Marks&Spencer. But she knows better. Someone asked me a week ago, "Do you buy clothes from NafNaf or CK?" I was so proud of myself when I could confidently say without embarassment, "With my own money, I don't spend more than RM30 a week on an outfit." And I know I still look good, not fashionable, but I'm happy with just good. My mum taught me that it's not the clothes, it's the attitude. I can look in the mirror today, pimples and messed-up hair, and still say, "Damn girl, you look good today."
She taught me the power of prayer. The first time I believed that prayers work was when she prayed for the birth of my brother and I. She prayed so hard for her firstborn to be a boy when for so many generations her family had a girl as the firstborn. Then when she got pregnant again, she prayed for a girl. Heehee.. I should be jealous that she wanted my brother first, but nope, I'm happy being the youngest and most pampered.
On a night when I couldn't stop the tears falling, she told me, "For every man that hurts you, only God has the right to punish them. You only forgive, forget, pick yourself up and show them how much more beautiful you can be." I'm so happy that today, I cannot think of a single guy who looks at me with hatred. Most of them still keep in touch with me, and most still have a special place in my heart.
This woman has a self-confidence that exceeds everything! You hear me saying. "Of course-lah, I'm so smart." What you don't know is that I learnt all that from a mother who actually believes that she's the best mother, wife and woman in the world. Sometimes she overdoes it, but I understand now that the overconfidence is what drives her to achieve the best things in life for herself and her family. So just bear with me when my head swells abit :p
I may not share the same opinions with her, and boy, do I fight alot with her. But I know she raised me to be a 'thinking' woman. Not one who doesn't know how to fight for what she wants in life. So despite the fights, she still tells others how proud she is with her children. I may not like the idea of turning into the exact kind of mother she is, but if being like her makes my children become the way I am today, I have nothing to worry about, do I?
"Mum, you rock my world. Happy Mother's Day." |
posted by Sha @ 9:35 PM  |
Hey sasha, that was beautiful. ;)
Hi Sasha,
You write the best blog, better than Kenny Sia's ! A multi talented doctor and writer indeed. I like the way you pen your thoughts, in a matured and humorous way at the same time. You give me motivation to be a better person and remind me that God is really a great God, no one else can compare to Him. Thanks for making my day. :)
Ju Lee from Penang
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Hey sasha, that was beautiful. ;)