Friday, March 30, 2007 |
To run, or not to run? |
Azman says I'm hot. Smoking hot. Thanks!
I'm so popular. In one week, my name appeared in 3 blogs: Azman, Foo and ChoonSeng(he named an entry by my name!).. heehee.. should tag more people.
This week seems to be about 2 things: marathon and relationship stuff.
Azman and Foo have just gone for KL International Marathon, this Sunday they'll be going for Port Dickson's Half Marathon. Good luck!! Everyone seems to be into marathons lately (even Kenny Sia), or maybe I'm only noticing it now.
 The guy's body looks hot though.
Sounds fun, but I think I'll settle for walkathons. As bimbo-ish as this may sound, at least its more applicable to my life: I'll have more energy when I go shopping! Haha.. you don't see people running when they're shopping, right? Unless it's the Ikea sale..
Soon Han was telling us about some Chinese article telling the 3 things to make a woman happy: 1. Listen to her 2. Compliment her 3. Feed her good food
Feed her good food? What happened to being honest to her? Impressing her parents? Impressing her girlfriends? Supporting her every dreams? Being there for her at troubled times?? How did food get so high in the list? I know if this was '3 things to make a guy happy', feeding him good food would be high on the list.. but for women?
By the way, when I say I'm an ambience person more than a food person, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate good food, or a guy who takes me to eat good food. Food is very subjective, a guy may say the food is great, only to find out later it's not my type of food.. am I going to judge him for not knowing me better? Nope. I'll just smile politely and hope he doesn't take me there again next time. Or I'll order something else if there is a next time.
I'm just the kind of person who'd take you to a place mostly for its ambience, not so much the food. Cos God knows I can't tell what guys like.. such confusing creatures :p
Even CF(Christian Fellowship) meetings seem to be about boy-girl relationships.
After my study group session, Azman, JennYi and I started talking about relationships and being married bla bla bla...
Overall, I am happy about 2 things: I'm a single, available, 'dating' (SAD! heehee..) young lady who doesn't need a man to feel complete. I can do and achieve so much by myself. And I have no deadline as to when I should be married. Forget about rushing to be married before my 30s. I'll leave everything in God's hands. I'll just happily make as many friends as I can and enjoy being young and independent. A few days ago, my dad told me that he doesn't care whether I get married or not. As long as I achieve what I want in life. Aww.. but my mum will give you a different answer.
Time to be in Surgery!! I aim to impress.. muahaha! Yeah right.. die die die |
posted by Sha @ 10:55 PM  |
great to know you dropped by! i'll e-mail u the photos soon :) take care.
first of all , the story was originated by me ...hehe!!!
but i agree with ur comment.
yeah, i know..
but i think've i've mentioned your name too many times on my blog already.. soon han deserves some publicity..haha
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hello sha!