Saturday, April 14, 2007 |
One tiring stressed out week |
Only one man has so much control over me.
Dato K.
 Not this one-lah.
Every medical school has a scary, fierce lecturer. Well, so does mine. But luckily, he is as fierce as he is admirable. This man has an aura that can blow you away. When he walks past, you can't help but feel like a great person had just passed you by. And he is a great person, as a doctor, teacher etc.
The only problem I have with him is the amount of stress I get when I'm doing my surgery posting.
If I was in scrubs, everytime this man walks into the hospital, the whole hospital would be on red alert. The lights would turn red, fire alarms ringing, and people running to get their job done before he steps into the ward.
 Datuk is coming! Go! Go! Go!!
That was what happened to me on a Friday morning when he decided to have a surprise case presentation. I had to clerk 5 patients in 1 hour!!
2 nights in a row I was clerking patients in my ward, 16 patients to be exact, to make sure that I was ready for my next case presentation. Talk about hard work, man.. to talk to 16 men in 2 days, getting their stories on why were they admitted, finding out their investigation results, writing down what treatment they've undergone.. all because of one man. I have never had so many swear words(forgive me, God) forming in my head so often before this.
When this man walks into the ward, your heart literary stops. You just start praying the day ends well.
When he asks you a question, looking at you.. you can feel yourself shrinking to a tiny person.
But before you get the idea that this 'dude'(haha!) is one mean person, like I said before, he's definitely a great person. Everything you learn from him, you can't find in the medical textbooks. You know his knowledge is all from experience. This is definitely one person you want to learn as much as possible from. So despite the stress, the torture and heart-stopping moments, it's all worth it as long as I learnt something for the benefit of my patients in the future.
But I sure was one lazy bum after his case presentation was over.
IMU Bukit Jalil SRC organized their first 'Inter-Cultural Nite' last night.. it was cool. If one thing IMU students are good at, it's performing. Singing, dancing, music intruments, fashion shows, you name it.. we got it. We even have our own Wushu and Silat team, ok?
I wished we had a inter-cultural event in Seremban, not just the annual 'Deeparaya Nite'. Heck, I'll even wear my stupid Kelabit costume and dance the stupid dance I've been avoiding since I moved out of Ipoh.
Oklah, I take that back. The Kelabit costume and dance is not stupid, it's beautiful. The problem is that I have a problem with it. Too many traumatic experiences from my many dances in my Ipoh school. Oh man, the headache I had.
 I'm wondering if this is my cousin..hmm... |
posted by Sha @ 9:53 PM  |
Eleh. Calling him a scary person and then justifying it by saying he's a great person at the same time. You scared he come here and read your blog is it?? Hahaha.
oi. it's my blog, let me have my fun.
no harm taking precautions. heehee..
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Eleh. Calling him a scary person and then justifying it by saying he's a great person at the same time. You scared he come here and read your blog is it?? Hahaha.