I've lost 2kg in 2 weeks. Depression must be taking its toll..
OKlah.. I was kidding. Ain't depressed no more. I'm all happy again. But I did lose weight. So many people were commenting on it this week. I went to my usual beauty saloon for an appointment today, and the staff were like, "Don't lose weight anymore! You're perfect already-lah.." (I still question their sincerity when they say I'm perfect.. should I tip more?)
So if you're a guy looking for a date with a girl who'll eat a buffet with you, hint hint.. Sasha's "Get back 2kg" campaign starts this week. If you're a girl, I'll eat with you too (I can't be too choosy, right? Heehee..).
I'm enjoying Anaesthesia. I saw some really cool stuff in the operation theather this week. Like epidurals, spinal anaesthesia, a caudal block in a 4 month old child (she was so adorable!).. The weirdest thing I saw was this guy who had sustained injuries when he was attacked by 2 men with a parang. He had 2 long laceration wounds on his head which needed suturing, and his thumb was cut in half! Not cut across, I mean longitudinally. Like if you looked at his hand, it looked like he had 6 fingers.
Blergh. Poor guy.
Only thing I'm put off about Anaesthesia is a certain lecturer who has endless grandfather stories. But I still respect and admire him. I like how he tells us about the big, bad medicolegal issues doctors get themselves into.. I'll be praying everyday I don't screw up badly one day like them.
I watched a small concert, "Mozart's The Magic Flute" in KLPac (Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre) with CheeYoong and a new friend, Jenny today. Overall, I'd say it's OK only. But I'm still jealous of the musicians. After 2 years of learning the flute, I still think I suck at it. Note to self: Practise more!!
 There's nothing much left to tell. So I'll just end with the 6 weird things about me: (thanks alot, HengJeng.. :p ). In short,
1. I can't stand the sound of doors when they close with a "Bang!" So if anyone's noticed, whenever I open any door, I'll always close it. Even if it's a door that can swing close by itself. I'll still hold the door and close it slowly.
2. I cover my mouth when I talk during meals. It's a habit I got when I used to wear braces and food stuff were always stuck to the stupid braces. I'm so scared of having someone tell me that there's food stuck in between my teeth.
3. When I walk up stairs, I walk on my toes. I have no idea why. But those who noticed would ask me whether I took ballet when I was young. The answer is no, mind you..
4. I have the tendency to look at feets. Especially if a guy I'm going out with takes off his shoes and his feet is there for me to 'analyse'. It's not a fetish ok?! My mum taught me that if a guy has clean feet (including his toenails), he's a clean, neat person, since feet hygiene is so easily neglected. I'll kill any guy who tries to put his feet to my face from now on after he reads this.
5. *edited* I had second thoughts about what I put here earlier. But if you read it, no biggie.. Another weird thing I can think of is my punctuality. As long as I am in control, I am always ready and dressed up at least half an hour before I have to go somewhere. If I'm late, it's usually 5-10 minutes. KarSeng was picking me up to go clubbing in Trilogy, when I told him to wait 5 minutes(for me to get to his car from my condo), he was surprised that I didn't take longer. "I'd expected you'd take half an hour more for make-up." The days I'm late, it's usually caused by something that was out of my control. In my family, I'm the earliest to be ready everytime.
6. Lizards scare me to death. I've had 3 episodes where a lizard fell onto my head. Everywhere I live, lizards will always come to my bedroom instead of the other bedrooms. I remember nights where I dreamt of a lizard falling on me while I was sleeping, and I woke up instantly throwing my blanket and checking my hair only to end up crying! I hate being so scared. Whoever marries me and discovers me crying suddenly in the middle of the night will laugh their head off when I say that I dreamt of a lizard falling on me. But after he finish laughing, I'll kill him.
Done! I tag Azman, CheeYoong, SiewLian, ChoonSeng, Gene, and WeiShung! Sorry, ya? Your turn to tell 6 weird things about yourself and tag 6 other bloggers.
After all that, what do I get?
eh, don't lose anymore weight! wait, i'll feed you chocolate cake when i get back