Sunday, January 28, 2007 |
Night market |
I took my cousin Rinai to the pasar malam in Sri Petaling on Tuesday. Everytime I go there it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. And suddenly I'm noticing more things there that I would buy! The last thing I'd ever do a year ago was buy clothes or shoes from a pasar malam. Surprisingly, my cousin and I were checking out all the clothes and shoes that night. They're so cute!! *bimbo moment*
Ahem.. anyway, we were at a DVD stall when the 'seller' asked, "Are you two sisters?"
Note: My cousin is half Caucasian half Kelabit. But she looks more Caucasian than Kelabit. I thought I look more Indian. How in the world the guy thought we were sisters?
Me: Do we look like sisters? Man: Yeah! Look alike lorr.. Me and cousin: Haha! Yeah! We're sisters *giggles*
After selecting the DVDs that we wanted, he asked another question (gesture: points one finger at my cousin then one at me then bring two fingers together..) "Are the two of you married?"
Me: Huh?!!
I have no idea why he asked that. At first I thought he asked whether we were a lesbian couple. Then I figured that was a dumb thought. After answering 'no', we just walked away.. I'm still wondering why he asked that.
I showed my cousin all the food stuff that was nice in the pasar malam, from Fatman Steamboat's 'lok-lok', charkuayteow, assam laksa etc.. even showed her the 'smelly' toufu!! Haha.. she was like, "Why the heck people line up for something that smells so bad?"
I have no idea. I haven't tasted one, and I doubt I ever will.
Can't wait to go back next week.
Anyway, just some updates. Linda stayed with me for a week before leaving for Queensland. It hit me quite bad when she finally left. I remembered the guard asking her how long she's been in Malaysia, and when she answered "8 years," I thought it was so cool that I was best friends with her for 5 years. The tears just came, but I tried hard not to let YingWei's mum and cousin see me in tears. Thank God they didn't. "Stoopid-lah you Linda!! One week already, why no word from you??!!!" *sigh* Some best friend I have.. :p Hope you're having fun there! Miss you lots!!
So for now, it's just Rinai & I hanging out together. Another cousin, Sarah came to stay for a weekend. That was fun. It seems this week I've been getting in touch a few of my cousins. Met up with 3 more who are working in KL. Today I went for dimsum with Pamela and her friends. Then met up with a high school friend and ex-swimmate, MunYi in Midvalley.
I love holidays.
I've been learning some Mandarin this month. Another 5 more hours of classes to go. Then it's up to me whether I still want to continue. I don't think I'll have time to go for more classes. Maybe I'll learn on my own. *sigh* Something tells me I won't know nuts by the end of this year. At least I took up the challenge of learning a new language!
Another month to go before I begin my 5th and final year. Argh! |
posted by Sha @ 6:06 PM  |
soli soli... soli... ya lar.. i also cried a bit in the plane.. sigh.. luckily got some oz guy to distract me.. hehe.. but yeah.. miss u loads loads loads... of there's any consolation, not that fun so far.. been running around doing errands.. u!!miss u so much wei!!
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soli soli... soli... ya lar.. i also cried a bit in the plane.. sigh.. luckily got some oz guy to distract me.. hehe.. but yeah.. miss u loads loads loads... of there's any consolation, not that fun so far.. been running around doing errands.. u!!miss u so much wei!!