Monday, January 15, 2007 |
Resolutions.. again |
Since it seems to be a trend to make resolutions as the new year comes, I figured I'd do the same. Maybe I should try to be a bit more creative this year.
Top scores for Semester 9 exam. Waa.. let's be more specific. I should aim for a B+ at least. Muahaha. By right, if I plan to be a good doctor, I should be scoring higher than that. *sigh* Sounds too good to be true. The only thing I can do is 'try my best'. In the end it's not the scores that matter, as long as I come out happy with what I've achieved.
Swim. Everyone talks about being fitter or slimmer every year. I just want to swim. Swim my heart out until I get addicted to the endorphins in my blood. Aim: 1500m freestyle in less than 18 minutes. But I have no plans to compete again. It's just that I miss how good it feels to be able to swim lap after lap after lap without feeling like I'm dying.
Save money to travel overseas once a year. Last year I went to Jakarta. This year I'll be going to London. Hopefully next year, I'll be going to Australia. No matter what my pay is, I'll make this one trip.
Create a 'brand'. You hear people talking about how Paris Hilton is such a dumb blond. I'm guilty for sharing the same opinion. But the funny thing is, if today a guy calls her dumb; if tomorrow he wins a date with her, he's not going to pass it up. Who cares whether she's dumb? She obviously has something guys are crazy about, so he's not going to 'not' try and find out. Same story with David Beckham. But seeing the amount of success they both have, I'm starting to think maybe there's more to these two than what we really see. They have managed to 'market' themselves as a brand to watch out for. Oklah, I'm not going to do anything drastic. I'm just thinking that maybe I should try experimenting more and see how much potential I really have as an individual. So watch out, Sasha may be coming out of her coccoon..
Reach out to more people. Must talk to at least one patient a day. And when I say talk, I don't mean, "Hi, uncle.. what are you admitted for?" then continue with the rest of my history-taking. I'd like to sit down and talk about things that have no connection whatsoever with what doctors would ask a patient. Since I have the time, I'd like to talk more about their families, work, childhood, hobbies, dreams, regrets, everything! It must be sickening for them to keep answering our routine questions. I'd like to learn more beyond the disease and the person.
These are just a few specific ones. There are other more personals ones, but basically, I'm going to be putting most of my focus in the coming professional exam, and taking a break here and there to have fun as the year goes by. I'm excited about this year. Something tells me it's going to be better than last year.
As always, I'll leave it in God's hand. |
posted by Sha @ 10:15 PM  |