Friday, May 25, 2007 |
About rabbits and unprotected sex.. |
 I love Paediatrics. Name me another posting where a lecturer would walk in a discussion group, carrying loads of inflated long balloons and teach you how to make a rabbit, dog or parrot with it? Then, he'd ask you to bring your 'animals' to be given to the children in the ward. How cute!
I felt like a small kid again, giggling at how fun it was to play with balloons.
Paediatric exam was not bad. At least I was smiling alot yesterday compared to the depression I had after surgery. I had to clerk a patient with palpitations, and I couldn't figure out what caused it. I was praying, "God, I don't know what's wrong with her and what to do.. help!"
God decided to send the whole group of doctors who were having their ward round to my patient's bed, and I could hear their discussion. Haha. Basically, He decided to deliver the answers on the diagnosis and management to me. Turned out she had an idiopathic supraventricular tachycardia. I just had to rule out thyrotoxicosis and drug-related tachycardia. *thank God*
Today, I was asked to be a simulated patient in the Semester 8's Family Medicine exam. I have never been so embarassed in my entire life!
My history: "My name is Lily, and I'm a 19 year old college student. I had unprotected sex with my 'current' boyfriend on Tuesday night and I really don't want to get pregnant. I smoke, drink, slept with my 2 previous boyfriends and have considered taking drugs. If I'm pregnant now, I want an abortion"
All the students counselling me knew who I was, and I could see the shock in their faces when they saw me being the patient. I was torn between being the great senior trying to help them to being cold so that the examiner could see whether the students had good communication skill when dealing with a patient like me.
Prof: "Sasha, you can't be your usual bubbly sweet self. You need to act anxious and sad. Like the worst thing in the world now is to find out you're pregnant!"
How to not smile when I have to look at someone like KC in the face, someone I've clubbed and gone karaoke with, and act sad?! I had to bite my lips to not giggle! The worst part is that I am not at all like Lily! To listen to people ask me about my non-existent sex life.. that's something to laugh about.
Student: What day did you last have sex? Me: Tuesday night. (if only that was true.. hehe) Student: Oh, err.. how many days ago was that? Me: (Wei, count-lah yourself.. today is Friday morning) 3 days?
Hehe.. what a day. In the end, I earned RM20 for my service. I was supposed to be paid RM40, but I split the money with Yuhana, who sent me to uni this morning. I learnt alot about counselling and contraceptions, and Prof Cheong taught me about examining a real thyrotoxic patient. So the money didn't matter in the end, the knowledge was enough. Fu-yoh.. quite the philosopher, ain't I?
"Happy Birthday ChaiLeng! Hope to see you when you're back in July." |
posted by Sha @ 8:12 PM  |
Well, you know what they say about rabbits and reproductivity...
sometimes i think they have more fun in life.
haha... damn funny wei.. i didn't know they can ask seniors to become simulated patients? anyway, me=dying.. will call soon to goss..hehe.. love ya.. (hopefully the previous blog wasn't about me?) soli..
haha...funny posting...
and the rabbit looks cute...
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Well, you know what they say about rabbits and reproductivity...