Wednesday, September 13, 2006 |
Pain in the thumb |
This is a tale of 3 medical students.
First thing to clear up, it's not about Lydia, Shangkeree and I. Really!
The first medic, poor girl, by the name of S, had the misfortune of banging the car door on her thumb, really hard, accidentally. Ouch! This then lead to a swollen thumb, with blood collecting underneath her nail causing excruciating pain. So what was the solution to ending the torture? Go to the orthopaedic clinic and make a hole through the nail to let the blood drain out.
But can you guess what's worse than having a hole made through your nail? Let me tell you, having A FEW holes made through your nail. What's worse than that? Having the holes done by her genius fellow batchmates, who are her housemates too. The logic behind the holes? Simple! The more holes there are, the faster the blood would drain out, and the faster the pain would go away!
At the end, a beloved orthopaedic lecturer, Dr. N. came to check on the girls. And when he saw the 'holes'.. and asked for the reason behind it, confidently (I think), like answering an OSCE question, they mentioned their genius idea about relieving the pain faster.
Dr. N: If you want to introduce infection, you can poke all the holes you want. If you want to get rid of the pain, we can just amputate the thumb.
End of story.
Poor S. You should see her multiple-holed thumbnail. And her thumb still hurts like mad. The danger of trusting your batchmates/housemates to treat you.
*Note: I may have exaggerated some parts to make it more interesting. And for the last time, neither I nor Lydia nor Shangkeree was involved. |
posted by Sha @ 10:09 PM  |
- this really a story about how you used cave-men tactics to treat your fellow housemate?! Scariness...
It's a true story.. I guess, sometimes good intentions can make things worse. I assure u that we're quite competent people over here. Don't get worried when u get treated by an IMU graduate :p
Hmmm...well, you did have good intentions! That's a positive thing to remember as I am treated by an IMU grad...right. Heh-heh!
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| this really a story about how you used cave-men tactics to treat your fellow housemate?! Scariness...