She wouldn't be caught dead without make-up; I have no problem just wearing a big T-shirt with my trusty jeans and slippers.
She spends like there's no tomorrow; I'm much happier watching my bank account grow bigger instead of my hangbag & shoe collection.
She has friends from the cleaners to salespeople to socialites to royalty; I'm more than happy with just the friends I can count on my 2 hands.
She doesn't like anything dirty, troublesome, noisy, full of mosquitoes, without room service; Give me challenges, I'd show you what I'm made of.
She wants me married with children as soon as possible; I want more time enjoying being single.
When she's upset, she yells and makes sure no one escapes her temper. Because I hate raising my voice, I'd usually bottle everything inside until I burst into tears.
She can cook up a storm; I'm still miserably far behind. She's obsessive-compulsive about cleanliness; Me? Where got time to clean my room when I have exams-lah.. :p
She's a true socialite, active in whatever societies you can think of; I'd be happy to live my life with as little problems & headaches as possible.
She doesn't care what others think of her, she does what she wants; I'm more the diplomatic, peace-making one who wants no trouble.
Yet, the one thing we have that keeps us from killing one another is the love and respect we have for one another. Happy Mother's Day, Mummy. |