Tuesday, August 28, 2007 |
The secretary |
I'm having a blog-diarrhoea.. bear with me.. :p
 It started with a Mr KarSeng, when I was paired up with him in the same ward in Surgery:
Phone messages: Wei, your beds are ..., ..., ..., ... etc. Tmrw got CP (case presentation) with Dato. Cover your beds.
Phone call: "Wei, sleeping is it? Dato is having CP with us in half-an-hours' time! Come quick!"
Then he started calling me about where classes were and what time they'll be..
Hady: KarSeng, Sasha's your personal assistant is it?
The nickname 'secretary' only came when we were doing our Internal Medicine posting. He was examining a patient with Dengue, and I was there to accompany him. The patient had marks all over his chest, which we both found out were 'panau'. Later as we both washed our hands, I asked KarSeng how long ago did the patient have 'panau'.
"Go ask him."
So me being the obedient fool, asked the patient and came back with the answer.
"When he was 14 years old. Oi, since when I became your secretary? Doing your work for you??"
So that's how he finally started calling me his 'secretary'. The whole posting group found out about it.. what's worse is that the whole batch found out about it! *sigh*
When we're having a study group, someone would yell, "Secretary! Write this down."
When I make a phone call, " Yes, secretary?"
When I wear a mini-skirt, "Waa.. secretary trying to make her boss happy, is it?"
Then O&G came,
JennYi: KarSeng! I'm taking your secretary! KarSeng: OK!
Basically, I ended up being an alarm clock for her in that posting. Wake-up call, anyone?
"Sasha, what post did you hold in Student Council?" "Secretary"
Argh. Meant to be.
But before you say anything, let me tell you, I am GOOD at my job as secretary. But God knows I'll kill anyone who tries to make me into their secretary next semester.
Me: Wei, I resign from being secretary already-lah. KarSeng: If not secretary anymore, then what? Girlfriend?!
I really like this picture SiewLian took of us having a discussion.. I look like some smart-ass, wei.. cool!
posted by Sha @ 6:29 PM  |
why la... ur such a good secretary.. DAYANG heeheehee... u forgot to write that in ur post.. ;) so who's gonna wake me up now? :( jenn
why la... ur such a good secretary.. DAYANG heeheehee... u forgot to write that in ur post.. ;) so who's gonna wake me up now? :( jenn
Haha.. your housemate-lah. Hopefully he's punctual..
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why la... ur such a good secretary.. DAYANG heeheehee... u forgot to write that in ur post.. ;) so who's gonna wake me up now? :(