Monday, May 08, 2006 |
Da Vinci Code |
It's the Da Vinci Code season right now all over the world. Gone is Lord of the Ring. The movie will be out on the 18th of May. You can bet I won't miss out on it.
I've managed to finish reading the book a week ago, just so that I can follow the movie. Chances are the movie won't be exactly like the book. But I'd rather know the original story first hand than to watch the movie and get confused. That is, if I get confused or lost. Anyway, since everyone was saying it was a great book, why not read it?
The book was definitely a page-turner. You can't help but feel excited about what was going to happen next and who the so-called Teacher was, and the controversy about how Jesus lived his life does make you ask questions.
But as a Christian, was my faith shakened by the things mentioned in the book? Not a bit. What's the big deal anyway? Maybe I just don't get too excited about these kind of things. This is not the first book I've read that challenges what the Bible tells us. To me, it's just fiction. Maybe the author did a lot of research before writing the book, maybe the information is true. But like what a priest said in CNN's Secret Bible Week programme, "We should be looking at the bigger picture. Not at what happened between Jesus and Mary. Jesus was a man that revolutionized the world with His teachings. That's the bigger picture."
OK. Just to make things clear, I can't remember how he phrased it, but it was something like that. How true.. most of what Jesus has taught us in the Bible are the very principles I try to follow religiously everyday of my life.
The day I accepted Christ in my life, a lot of miracles have happened that I truly believe in Him. Like the words in the song "One way, Jesus" I haven't turned back since.
My pastor agreed with one thing Dan Brown mentioned about his book, that it has awaken all the apathetic or indifferent Christians who have just sat back doing nothing while the world attacks Christianity.
I can't wait to see the story come on screen. If it's anything like the book, it's going to be good. Something to make my life in Seremban a bit more happening. Haha..
Do share your point of view. Whether it's on the book or Christianity itself, I would like to hear it. |
posted by Sha @ 12:50 AM  |
i must disagree that we should be "looking at the bigger picture", because small details make up the huge picture. if a small detail was somehow misplaced by the bible(in this case, jesus and mary's relationship) it is worrying.
And yes, so worrying that it can question the integrity of the gospels.
Because although Jesus was a great teacher, we are recepient to his teaching because we know or at least believe that He is the son of God.
However great His teachings are, we would never have accepted him as much if we knew he was merely human parading as someone he was not..
Which brings us back to the bible and how important it is for the facts of the bible to be true. Like if the bible said that Jesus was this person, and Mary was this, then yes they should be those persons.
If a single fact of the bible can be dissected and proven fraud, how else can we trust that the rest of it has no other discrepancy?
especially one as huge as jesus having a wife?
So the point of my comment is that sometimes we can't just look at the bigger picture. Cause the desire to understand the little details will haunt us till our graves.
of course, not that i believe its real. Dan Brown is a fiction author writing fiction. And people often want something they really like to be real.
Like Harry Potter, or the Matrix. But those are too fake to be real.. But the da vinci code left some space for practical genuinity, such that people will believe it even more so.
but I do believe that the bible has to be steady, because if the Word of God can own a single proven fault, then how can it really be the Word of God?
Thanks for commenting.
Why can't the Son of God live his life on Earth as a man, merely human as you said? Isn't it more believable that such a person existed? Sometimes I think the Bible makes Him look too perfect.
But what you said about the small details and the integrity of the gospel is true. That is definitely something to think about.
In the end, whether all of this will haunt a person till his death, I believe it depends on the individual. In my case, I'm not that bothered. I guess I just don't think alot about it. I'm happy with what I believe in. That may be my downfall one day, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
It great that you left a comment. How's life in Manchester by the way? Good luck for exam!
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i must disagree that we should be "looking at the bigger picture", because small details make up the huge picture. if a small detail was somehow misplaced by the bible(in this case, jesus and mary's relationship) it is worrying.
And yes, so worrying that it can question the integrity of the gospels.
Because although Jesus was a great teacher, we are recepient to his teaching because we know or at least believe that He is the son of God.
However great His teachings are, we would never have accepted him as much if we knew he was merely human parading as someone he was not..
Which brings us back to the bible and how important it is for the facts of the bible to be true.
Like if the bible said that Jesus was this person, and Mary was this, then yes they should be those persons.
If a single fact of the bible can be dissected and proven fraud, how else can we trust that the rest of it has no other discrepancy?
especially one as huge as jesus having a wife?
So the point of my comment is that sometimes we can't just look at the bigger picture. Cause the desire to understand the little details will haunt us till our graves.
of course, not that i believe its real. Dan Brown is a fiction author writing fiction. And people often want something they really like to be real.
Like Harry Potter, or the Matrix.
But those are too fake to be real..
But the da vinci code left some space for practical genuinity, such that people will believe it even more so.
but I do believe that the bible has to be steady, because if the Word of God can own a single proven fault, then how can it really be the Word of God?