Why did I choose medicine?! |
Sunday, January 28, 2007 |
Night market |
I took my cousin Rinai to the pasar malam in Sri Petaling on Tuesday. Everytime I go there it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. And suddenly I'm noticing more things there that I would buy! The last thing I'd ever do a year ago was buy clothes or shoes from a pasar malam. Surprisingly, my cousin and I were checking out all the clothes and shoes that night. They're so cute!! *bimbo moment*
Ahem.. anyway, we were at a DVD stall when the 'seller' asked, "Are you two sisters?"
Note: My cousin is half Caucasian half Kelabit. But she looks more Caucasian than Kelabit. I thought I look more Indian. How in the world the guy thought we were sisters?
Me: Do we look like sisters? Man: Yeah! Look alike lorr.. Me and cousin: Haha! Yeah! We're sisters *giggles*
After selecting the DVDs that we wanted, he asked another question (gesture: points one finger at my cousin then one at me then bring two fingers together..) "Are the two of you married?"
Me: Huh?!!
I have no idea why he asked that. At first I thought he asked whether we were a lesbian couple. Then I figured that was a dumb thought. After answering 'no', we just walked away.. I'm still wondering why he asked that.
I showed my cousin all the food stuff that was nice in the pasar malam, from Fatman Steamboat's 'lok-lok', charkuayteow, assam laksa etc.. even showed her the 'smelly' toufu!! Haha.. she was like, "Why the heck people line up for something that smells so bad?"
I have no idea. I haven't tasted one, and I doubt I ever will.
Can't wait to go back next week.
Anyway, just some updates. Linda stayed with me for a week before leaving for Queensland. It hit me quite bad when she finally left. I remembered the guard asking her how long she's been in Malaysia, and when she answered "8 years," I thought it was so cool that I was best friends with her for 5 years. The tears just came, but I tried hard not to let YingWei's mum and cousin see me in tears. Thank God they didn't. "Stoopid-lah you Linda!! One week already, why no word from you??!!!" *sigh* Some best friend I have.. :p Hope you're having fun there! Miss you lots!!
So for now, it's just Rinai & I hanging out together. Another cousin, Sarah came to stay for a weekend. That was fun. It seems this week I've been getting in touch a few of my cousins. Met up with 3 more who are working in KL. Today I went for dimsum with Pamela and her friends. Then met up with a high school friend and ex-swimmate, MunYi in Midvalley.
I love holidays.
I've been learning some Mandarin this month. Another 5 more hours of classes to go. Then it's up to me whether I still want to continue. I don't think I'll have time to go for more classes. Maybe I'll learn on my own. *sigh* Something tells me I won't know nuts by the end of this year. At least I took up the challenge of learning a new language!
Another month to go before I begin my 5th and final year. Argh! |
posted by Sha @ 6:06 PM  |
Saturday, January 20, 2007 |
My brain is so full right now.. |
This you cannot miss. Also.

Absolute must watch.
Linda made me buy the DVD and when we watched it together, I thought, "Wow. This is really good!" It frustrated me so much that I could only know the ending in the next movie. And the guy, L was so cool!! Light looks feminine though, not my type. But the way the two of them think, I'm like, "Wow."
Luckily, the cineplex next to The Curve was showing Death Note 2. So Linda, my cousin Rinai and I went to watch it.
I don't know any words to describe how good the show was. My brain was overloaded with information, trying to understand what the heck was going on in the movie. When they showed the ending, my brain was so tired! But like I said before, it's good.
Did I mention L is cute too? Heehee, he's got that Ju-on look and it's adorable! |
posted by Sha @ 9:19 PM  |
Monday, January 15, 2007 |
Resolutions.. again |
Since it seems to be a trend to make resolutions as the new year comes, I figured I'd do the same. Maybe I should try to be a bit more creative this year.
Top scores for Semester 9 exam. Waa.. let's be more specific. I should aim for a B+ at least. Muahaha. By right, if I plan to be a good doctor, I should be scoring higher than that. *sigh* Sounds too good to be true. The only thing I can do is 'try my best'. In the end it's not the scores that matter, as long as I come out happy with what I've achieved.
Swim. Everyone talks about being fitter or slimmer every year. I just want to swim. Swim my heart out until I get addicted to the endorphins in my blood. Aim: 1500m freestyle in less than 18 minutes. But I have no plans to compete again. It's just that I miss how good it feels to be able to swim lap after lap after lap without feeling like I'm dying.
Save money to travel overseas once a year. Last year I went to Jakarta. This year I'll be going to London. Hopefully next year, I'll be going to Australia. No matter what my pay is, I'll make this one trip.
Create a 'brand'. You hear people talking about how Paris Hilton is such a dumb blond. I'm guilty for sharing the same opinion. But the funny thing is, if today a guy calls her dumb; if tomorrow he wins a date with her, he's not going to pass it up. Who cares whether she's dumb? She obviously has something guys are crazy about, so he's not going to 'not' try and find out. Same story with David Beckham. But seeing the amount of success they both have, I'm starting to think maybe there's more to these two than what we really see. They have managed to 'market' themselves as a brand to watch out for. Oklah, I'm not going to do anything drastic. I'm just thinking that maybe I should try experimenting more and see how much potential I really have as an individual. So watch out, Sasha may be coming out of her coccoon..
Reach out to more people. Must talk to at least one patient a day. And when I say talk, I don't mean, "Hi, uncle.. what are you admitted for?" then continue with the rest of my history-taking. I'd like to sit down and talk about things that have no connection whatsoever with what doctors would ask a patient. Since I have the time, I'd like to talk more about their families, work, childhood, hobbies, dreams, regrets, everything! It must be sickening for them to keep answering our routine questions. I'd like to learn more beyond the disease and the person.
These are just a few specific ones. There are other more personals ones, but basically, I'm going to be putting most of my focus in the coming professional exam, and taking a break here and there to have fun as the year goes by. I'm excited about this year. Something tells me it's going to be better than last year.
As always, I'll leave it in God's hand. |
posted by Sha @ 10:15 PM  |
Friday, January 12, 2007 |
Movie review |
"Quiet. Dum Dum wants to speak. "

This show is 'too' good, it deserves an entry of its own.
You CANNOT not watch 'Night at the Museum'!
I don't care whether you hate Ben Stiller shows (shame on you! hehe..), you hate comedies (double shame on you) or even if you hate movies altogether (what the heck?!). I'll pay for your ticket to make you watch this movie.
Ok, I take that back. I won't pay. But you get the idea, right? It's really good!
From the moment you discover what the heck is wrong with the T-Rex to the happy ending.. it's all good..
Ben Stiller really outdid himself. I was laughing so much! The last time that happened was with "Robots". This was better. Notice how both movies had Robin Williams in it? But when you add in Owen Wilson also.. man, luckily I didn't go hysterical :p
I really hope you guys would watch it. "Anyone got a gum-gum?" |
posted by Sha @ 2:41 PM  |
Saturday, January 06, 2007 |
Holiday for 2 months |
It's good to be home.
The thought of being able to sleep when I want to, wake up when I want to, do whatever I want to and just enjoy myself.. wow, I've waited for this moment for so long.
Until it came.
The last night I spent in Seremban was one of the most difficult nights I've ever had. God, I really didn't want to leave Seremban. It sucked that I had spent my last week in Seremban studying for an exam. I couldn't hang out with the people I would miss most when I go off for my holidays. So the only choice I had was to stay back one extra night. Karaoke-ing and watching movie with my two closest guy friends, ChoonSeng and Ruwei.
It's weird to be the only girl karaoke-ing with 2 guys!! And the 2 fellows are so cheeky, we would all sing to a rock song together, then suddenly the 2 will keep quiet, leaving poor me singing alone and embarassing myself! The best part was when they both sang Lifehouse's "Hanging by a Moment". Little did they know that I've always 'fantasised' my husband singing that song to me for my wedding since I was in college. Heehee.. so when the 2 were singing that song, in my head I was thinking, "Maybe this is as good as it gets.. my 2 closest guy friends singing it instead of a husband."
I wished I could hang out with more people before I left. I wish I had more time. Going to sleep that night was so difficult because I knew one fact, spending 2 months away from my university friends is not something I'm looking forward to anymore.
But I'm doing great. Went out with my best friends a few times. Did a bit of shopping. Making plans to go to London in February. Helping mum out with housework.
My neighbour is doing some renovation.. and the stoopid drilling and hammering at 9am is killing me!! Argh!! Let me sleep-lah.. even if I wanted to take an afternoon nap, the drilling will start arond 2pm all the way to 4pm.
When I spend my time at home more than hang out with friends, I'd end up being left to my thoughts. Too often. Never realised until now how dangerous my own thoughts could be. Past regrets, confusions, denials and mistakes.. all surfacing up now that I don't have any distractions. I was in tears for 2 nights straight. But it's a good time to get them sorted out. When I'm back in March, hopefully I would feel more in control of my life. Today I'm feeling much better.
Can't go online. I don't have my own computer, so I can't leave my MSN Messenger on for friends to message me. So I'm only reachable through my phone/email/blog.
To top all the bad things in this week, I have pompholyx on my hands!! You've heard the term 'itchy fingers'? Well, I have it. "Stress-induced," my father says :(

I don't miss Seremban. I miss my friends, but not Seremban. Heehee.. So much to do and at the same time trying to enjoy myself and relax as much as possible.. the holiday will get better, I know.. after I kill some drillers.
It's good to be home. |
posted by Sha @ 10:33 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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