Why did I choose medicine?! |
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 |
One last night out.. or not |
Only a crazy person would rush back from Seremban to KL by train at 3.50pm to watch X-Men 3 in Midvalley at 5pm, then sleep for one hour, go clubbing at Zouk from 11pm to 3am, sleep at 4.30am, get up at 10am to take the train at 11.30am to reach IMU Seremban for a meeting at 1pm, THEN take the train back to KL at 3.30pm.
That crazy person would be me. Like they say, "Live crazy". What I would do to go clubbing. But I won't be going again until after Sem7 exams.
I'd keep hoping that the day would come that I would dislike clubbing, and refuse to go back again. But unfortunately, that day hasn't come. Everytime someone invites me to go clubbing, my mind would start thinking of how I can go without my parents finding out. When will I grow up? *sigh*
I did sit awhile and thought about the whole clubbing issue. I guess I really like clubbing because it's the one night I am a totally different person (I see what you meant that day, Ying Wei). I'm not your prim and proper Sasha anymore. I'm dancing the night away thinking I'm a sexy siren. I'm talking and dancing with guys, sometimes holding their hands. A few times I've talked to total strangers, both guys and girls. And I am aware that I'm not as uptight in a club as I am outside. I would totally ignore the fact that I am so-and-so's daughter and who cares about my reputation? Every girl in the club is doing the exact thing I'm doing! Forgetting that the world outside has so much expectations from them..
But I'm not stupid. I don't go clubbing not knowing the dangers. That's why I stay sober the whole night. Believe me, you'd notice alot of weird things happening at a club when you are sober. That night, when I was dancing on the podium, I noticed the number of men looking at me dancing, and you can tell that some of them had very 'obscene' things going on in their heads. That's when I'll be careful about how I dance on the podium, hoping they'd divert their attention to another girl. And I've yet to dance face-to-face with a total stranger. From my point of view, that's asking for trouble. My dad did sit with me and talked to me about clubbing. And I learnt that men don't go clubbing to dance. You can figure out the real reason..
It's cool to meet new people at a club, I have no problem with that. But I would avoid talking to strangers on the dance floor when I'm dancing. That's because in a crowded dance floor, your guy friends won't be able to move fast enough to defend you in case something bad happens. By time they'd come and protect you, there'd be some damage already.
There's a lot of things that's just so wrong when you go clubbing. The way girls dress up, the type of men that comes near you, the drunkards puking all over the place, the smell of cigarrettes, and so much more. But I'd still go back there. I'd still dance the night away. Hoping each time something would turn me off. Everytime I'd pray so hard that nothing bad happens. Either to me or my friends.
I think maybe I should find another way to 'let loose'. But I doubt I'll stop clubbing yet. We'll just have to wait and see.. |
posted by Sha @ 4:59 PM  |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 |
Malaysian Medical Students Conference 2006 |
Oh man..
You have not organised anything until you organise a nationwide medical student conference. Believe me, the experience is.. *sigh* The only word that comes to my head is moving.
The biggest task that the SRC(Student Representative Council) had since the last election was to organise a bi-annual medical conference where medical students from all public and private medical universities will gather for a weekend attending talks, workshops et cetera. The organising commitee decided to make this conference all about issues we do not learn from the classes and textbooks, thus the theme became "Et cetera: More That Just Medicine". We had talks on various specialties, Medico-legal Issue, Professionalism and Ethics, and even Telehealth and Health Information System. Workshops were on Personality and Teamwork, Harm reduction and the biggest event was a forum on current issues affecting medical students and doctors today. Other activities were a formal dinner, sports and games and a research project competition. All done in 3 days at Glory Beach Resort Port Dickson.
We went through a lot to organise this conference. There were complaints, disagreements and even times when we wanted to give up. It always seemed like there were problems cropping up everywhere. But as they said, the more challenging the journey, the more rewarding the destination. It was definitely a learning experience. My PR skills have improved alot. Believe me, it's not easy to talk to potential sponsors. I worked so hard to get the right speakers for each talks, and I can't describe how wonderful it felt when delegates complemented on how great the talks were. When Dato' Siva gave his talk on Ethics, and there was a point where the delegates laughed then cheered and clapped, my eyes was tearing. Even as I type this, my eyes are starting to tear. To know that you did everything you could to make something go right, and it does go right or exceed your expectations, it'll move you to tears.
The last night we were there, Ru Wei, Jill, Kenneth, Ivy and I were having our usual prayer session. I was tearing the whole time! I felt so tired, and all I was thinking of was how much I wanted to go to sleep, I sacrificed a lot in my studies for this conference, and to see the smiles on the delegates when they enjoyed the conference was definitely rewarding.
Like I said, the experience was moving. Will I organize another conference? Forget it, not in the near future. Now's the time to be a nerd and concentrate on Semester 7 exams. But thank God for all the times he came through for us..

posted by Sha @ 10:16 AM  |
Monday, May 08, 2006 |
Da Vinci Code |
It's the Da Vinci Code season right now all over the world. Gone is Lord of the Ring. The movie will be out on the 18th of May. You can bet I won't miss out on it.
I've managed to finish reading the book a week ago, just so that I can follow the movie. Chances are the movie won't be exactly like the book. But I'd rather know the original story first hand than to watch the movie and get confused. That is, if I get confused or lost. Anyway, since everyone was saying it was a great book, why not read it?
The book was definitely a page-turner. You can't help but feel excited about what was going to happen next and who the so-called Teacher was, and the controversy about how Jesus lived his life does make you ask questions.
But as a Christian, was my faith shakened by the things mentioned in the book? Not a bit. What's the big deal anyway? Maybe I just don't get too excited about these kind of things. This is not the first book I've read that challenges what the Bible tells us. To me, it's just fiction. Maybe the author did a lot of research before writing the book, maybe the information is true. But like what a priest said in CNN's Secret Bible Week programme, "We should be looking at the bigger picture. Not at what happened between Jesus and Mary. Jesus was a man that revolutionized the world with His teachings. That's the bigger picture."
OK. Just to make things clear, I can't remember how he phrased it, but it was something like that. How true.. most of what Jesus has taught us in the Bible are the very principles I try to follow religiously everyday of my life.
The day I accepted Christ in my life, a lot of miracles have happened that I truly believe in Him. Like the words in the song "One way, Jesus" I haven't turned back since.
My pastor agreed with one thing Dan Brown mentioned about his book, that it has awaken all the apathetic or indifferent Christians who have just sat back doing nothing while the world attacks Christianity.
I can't wait to see the story come on screen. If it's anything like the book, it's going to be good. Something to make my life in Seremban a bit more happening. Haha..
Do share your point of view. Whether it's on the book or Christianity itself, I would like to hear it. |
posted by Sha @ 12:50 AM  |
Friday, May 05, 2006 |
Happening.. |
Argh. I can't take it anymore. I want to get out of here. I'm bored, depressed, totally hating my life now.
OK-lah.. I was kidding there. 5 weeks of orthopaedic came and went. Ortho bored me to death big time! I think I only started learning stuff in the last week. Suddenly I knew that you used a dynamic hip screw for neck of femur fractures. I didn't know there was such a thing as a dynamic hip screw. Man, I'm such a bum lately. To make things worse, I had to clerk a spinal case for my exam. And he was unconscious!! I took the history from the patient's wife, but I had a problem doing physical examination. How does the professor expect me to report on the sensory examination? I couldn't even test motor tone and power. But chances are, I'll pass. *sigh* I hope I'll never have to go through orthopaedic again, but who am I trying to kid?
So my academic life in Seremban has been quite boring, but how about my social life? Wow.. truthfully speaking, I think I'm the most happening C2/05 in Seremban now. Really! Hear me out, and if you think there's someone more happening, feel free to bite back. Heehee.. It's all because I've started hanging out with the Semester 8s. That would include people like Kenneth, Jill, Terrence, Emily etc. Due to my SRC meetings, dance practices and CF meetings, almost all my dinners are with these people. Sem8 is pretty much a honeymoon semester, you'll have a lot of free time, So yeah, I'm glad that the Sem8s have included me in their free-time activities. Seriously, I would have died of boredom if it wasn't for them. But maybe I would have studied more and known what a dynamic hip screw was instead.
I went to Malacca for a one day visit with them. Music Nite was really great! ChoonSeng dedicated a song for me (thanks! I really like Wonderwall!), and to make things better, he sang it really well!! How often does that happen in a girl's life? Thanks for dinners, movies, CDs, roses and especially your friendship! It's always nice to have a good guy friend who really appreciates your company.
SRC is organizing a nationwide medical student conference next weekend. I will be staying in Port Dickson with 200 medical students for the whole weekend. Hopefully everything goes well. I can't help being excited. I really think studying in Seremban is good for me. A lot to learn, a lot of growing and yet a lot of fun here and there.
I will put up some photos soon. I'm finally going into Paediatrics, and my dad is one of the lecturers! Weird, but I'm excited nonetheless. Wish me luck! |
posted by Sha @ 10:50 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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