A mizdiagnosis

Why did I choose medicine?!

Monday, November 19, 2007
Like mother like children?
I watched this movie over the weekend. It's not really something I would watch, seeing that it's about crime, but the reason I bought the DVD was because the DVD-seller was trying so hard to convince me that it's a good movie, and because of the:


Reeeaaaally? *rub chin in curiosity*

I'm not a fan of his, I don't have any of his solo albums, I prefered JC over him in N'Sync.. but I was curious if he really was that good at acting.

I don't really like crime movies. In short, I'm content to live my life knowing there are dangerous people out there that could hurt you and you need to always be cautious, but spare me the details on what happens to the victims. Yeah, tell me some poor girl got raped where and when and and why she became a victim. Don't tell me in detail what exactly was done to her. Maybe I'm fragile, use whatever word you want. That's why I've not watched more that 10 episodes of CSI and Law & Order.

But I started thinking about how raising a child is, what's the word? Challenging? How the wrong kind of parenting can make your children become the worst kind of people. That's why I still can't imagine myself having children. I've had friends tell me how adorable it is to have a little 'you' to look after.. but my fear comes when I imagine the little 'you' becoming a bigger 'you'.
When we're that small, we all want our 'mummy'.. in my case, I was, and still is a daddy's girl :p

That's the thing that gets me thinking. My child might be 'me'. Will they make the same stupid mistakes I did? Will she become as stupid as I was if she had a crush on a guy 5 years older than she is? Will she illegally enter a club, drink too much, take drugs, do something stupid? Will she think sleeping with a guy after finishing Form 5 was something to try out? Yes, I was that dumb, except I have yet to get wasted and high on drugs. And no, I broke up with the guy long before there was a chance to have a 'sleepover'. A guy I trusted tried to take things too far once, but I was strong enough to not give in to 'flowery words' and 'affectionate hand-holding'. Thank God. But will my daughter know what to do if the same thing happens to her? Will my son be stupid enough to treat a girl in such a demeaning way?

I'm lucky, my parents did the right thing that prevented me from doing so many things that I would regret. The problem is, what exactly did they do? Will I know what to do when my time comes? But one thing for sure, I'm glad I was raised the way I was. Where yelling and major punishment was the way to get your point across to your children (my mother's style) and giving a 'disappointed look' without having to say a word was scary enough (daddy's trademark). Yet my brother and I could still share anything with our parents without fear of being judged badly or insulted. We know they are doing what they believe is best for us. God knows what my style will be. Well, I guess I'll find out soon enough if I was so lucky to get married *shivers* and have children *hair raised*.

Lastly, no way was he a revelation. And the movie wasn't that great, it's so predictable.

posted by Sha @ 8:02 PM  
  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger sven said…

    You know, i have asked myself the very same questions! and i also wonder how on earth my sis and i turned out the way we did - maybe we should interrogate our parents ... hmmm.

    as for the movie - haha! now i'm curious to see the un-revelationary JT!

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Azman said…

    Babies don't come with an owner's manual. But if you look hard enough, there are some available on the bookshelves. Really. I'm not kidding.

  • At 8:57 PM, Blogger Sha said…

    Just some of the things you need to go through to find out the answer I guess.

    "Raising children for Dummies". I think I saw something like that on TV. No need to buy book. Haha.

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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com

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