Why did I choose medicine?! |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 |
Did I mention all is good here? *updated* |
Just as an update. So much has happened in the past few weeks, but I've been too tired to blog. So I'll just compile everything in one entry. Bear with me ok?
Modified Car Expo in Bukit Jalil Stadium
I felt like I was right in the middle of a 'Fast&Furious' race. Engines roaring, lights flashing, loud music and not to forget, sexy chicks. I have never seen so many 'flashy' cars! And to think I've never even seen these cars on the road at all! But who cares.. it was worth the RM20 ticket. And yeah, I totally agree that cars are hotter than chicks.

Ying Wei, I thought of you when I saw this car.. Heehee :p

Hillsong United Live Concert in SIBKL

Hillsong came to my church! I helped out with ushering and first-aid. It was crazy! There were 2500 people!! But the concert was amazing. Too bad I was not allowed to take pictures during the concert. So I'll put up those I took before and after the show.
 WeiShung, Isaac & I
 Me with Evelyn, HiangLiang & Collin
My yellow fellows
Other than that, I've gone for an Elvis impersonator(Max Pellicano) charity showcase. The show was not bad, but I was more excited by the fact there was a table full of Elvis impersonators from Malaysia sitting next to my table! I regretted not bringing my camera that night :( Could have had a picture with 10 'Elvises'..
More to come: Sports Week, Drunk Before Dawn play by SIBKL, CF Christmas production etc.. I'll collapse by new year's eve. |
posted by Sha @ 12:11 PM  |
Monday, November 27, 2006 |
All is good over here.. |
My first attempt at organizing something on a big scale. With me being the organising chairperson.
No longer the follower.
No longer taking orders, but doing all the ordering around.
No more hiding in the backstage, but being right in the spotlight.
I may have complained alot, I may have unnecessarily burdened myself, I may have not delegated well enough, I may have pissed some people off, I may have sacrificed too much of my time, energy and money, and I may have neglected my studies and other more important things in my life.
But I don't care. Because nothing compares to the look I saw in the people who came for the function. Nothing compares to the compliments I've got. Nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to how proud my parents were with me that night. For one night, they knew that once I have the desire to do something, I will work till the end to do what it takes to do it. The best I can.
There were mistakes here and there. I could have done things better. I don't care. It's good enough for me. In the end, as long as I learn something to improve myself as a person or leader, that's all that matters.
Deeparaya Nite 2006.
posted by Sha @ 8:45 PM  |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 |
Another thick-skinned entry |
 KL Fashion Week 2006 Date: 11th November 2006 Venue: Berjaya Times Square Dress code: Fashionable
I am slowly becoming a KL socialite. Oh dear.

I had the opportunity to attend an exclusive fashion show last weekend because the owners of Maya Silk (some of the girls made their ballgowns there before) gave my mum and I free tickets. Everything was done in high-style. The collections were designed by local designers Amanda Brown, Calvin Thoo, Maya Silk and Dominique Chan. In short, basically everything from the designs to the interior deco to the guests were bold & beautiful.
Calvin Thoo is going to design my wedding gown. Haha. That is if some guy convinces me to marry him. At this point in time, more and more people are saying that he's the best when it comes to fashion designing in Malaysia. Believe me, he's good.

The highlight of my day? When a really tall and 'quite' cute model smiled at me :)
 This is me looking at him from afar. Too &%$#*@ scared to go talk to him. Didn't even realise there were some people dressed in prison-striped-sweaters walking around.
But 10 minutes later.. Me: Hi, are you by any chance one of the models? Model: Yeah! *smilling* Me: Oh, which collection? Model: All of them. I came out a few times. Me: Oh. *feeling dumb* Model: How did you come here? Me: I followed my mum. We managed to get some free tickets. Model: That's great! Will you be coming for tonight's launch? Me: I don't think so. Can I have a picture with you?
 Yeah! Not as 'chicken' as I thought I was. Muahaha.
The dumb thing is, I didn't get his %$%#$%$^$%@@ name. |
posted by Sha @ 8:34 PM  |
Monday, November 06, 2006 |
I had the opportunity to eat in Bangsar Seafood Village last Saturday. I saw a sharkfin's dish called "Monk Jump Over The Wall: RM128 per pax (Advance order)".
What in the world is that? Is it some direct translation from Chinese? And is it good??
As soon as I got home from Seremban last week, my dad asked me if I wanted to follow him to my godfather's house for dinner. The warning he gave me however was, "There'll be about 40 obstetricians attending the gathering."
Me? Scared of 40 obstetricians?? Please-lah. They'll love me! *ultimate perasan-ness*
"They are from all over the world attending a conference here."
Oh. Cool. Something to challenge myself with. Mingling with foreign doctors. So there I was, watching 40 young doctors from many 3rd World countries, especially South America and South Africa enjoying themselves in my godfather's house. They were specially selected by the organising commitee of the XVIII FIGO World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetric to attend the conference, fully subsidised by the Malaysian government.
It was so weird in the beginning. I was so lost. All the delegates were between the age of 30 to 40. Some were already lecturers in their country's medical school. Who am I? Some 4th year medical student being a busy-body. But guess what? I took my food from the buffet table and sat myself in one of the tables! And I even joined the conversations.
There are days I can't believe how 'thick-skinned' I can be.
Basically, in that one night, I got to know a Romanian couple, a couple from Lithuania, and a few from Congo. We talked about how dangerous our respective countries can be, how medical schools and students are today, the PBL issue, and a bit about places to visit in Singapore. Things didn't go as bad as I thought it would be. One of the doctor from Congo asked me to do my attachment in Congo after I graduate. Wow. Did I really make 'that' good an impression? Maybe he was just being polite..
I SO want to be an O&G specialist. *sigh* |
posted by Sha @ 8:27 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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