Why did I choose medicine?! |
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 |
It was so worth it |
After so long, I've finally gone to Jakarta with Linda. Despite the problems arising from everywhere before I could actually go on that trip(renewing passport, getting mum's permission, begging for money, trying to find the perfect time to skip classes), God was kind enough to give me the green light. I cannot describe the feeling knowing that I could finally travel overseas on my own for a holiday. My first independent trip to another country. But then again, can't call it independent since Linda's following and I'll be staying with her family over there. But to those who know how protective my parents are, you'd agree it's a good way to start my journey to total freedom!
 The culprit. Her job: Make sure I don't get kidnapped or worse, lost. Especially in the airport :p
 One of my goals in life was to be a 'jutawan' by the age of 30. Little did I know I became one at 23. One goal in life: ACHIEVED.
 There are no words to describe the wonders of Jakarta. Even if there were, you'd be eating too much to even care about saying a word. I've had everything from duck 'bebek' beehoon, some 'apam balik' thingy (i forgot the name!), JCo donuts, nasi padang, super-hot grilled fish (forgot the name again!), dimsum, Japanese grilled food, durian ice-cream, and the list goes on and on and on... and to end the great menu, food poisoning on my last night there!! No worries Linda, if anything, my immune system has been upgraded. Mamak anyone?
 And finally.. the most wonderful thing that could ever happen to a girl's life. SHOPPING.
Having dinner with Linda and her brother, after the first day of shopping: Me: How much did I spend? Linda: Lets calculate. Me: 2 blouses, 2 DVD sets (5 seasons of Ally McBeal and 3rd season of One Three Hill), a pair of jeans, 1 shoe and 1 sandal, etc. Linda: *calculating* (Did I mention that she was my human calculator? She adds, minuses and converts from Rupiah to Ringgit), RM169. Me: What??! Take me back! I haven't finished my quota for shopping! That much only? Linda's bro: Jakarta is nice right? *laughter*
Yeah, yeah.. I'm a spoilt brat. Believe me, the shopping didn't end there. 3 days non-stop in Jakarta and Bandung. Like I said, it was worth every penny. Now I'm just basking in the complements I get. "I like your blouse!", "Your shoes is so cute!", "Very nice! Are those from Jakarta too? Argh, I hate you"
 Lastly, you'd find the weirdest things when you are on the road. This fellow came up and started dancing near the car. Linda's bro told me that if I gave the fellow RM5, he'd come home to Malaysia with me. "Gila." |
posted by Sha @ 5:40 PM  |
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 |
Pain in the thumb |
This is a tale of 3 medical students.
First thing to clear up, it's not about Lydia, Shangkeree and I. Really!
The first medic, poor girl, by the name of S, had the misfortune of banging the car door on her thumb, really hard, accidentally. Ouch! This then lead to a swollen thumb, with blood collecting underneath her nail causing excruciating pain. So what was the solution to ending the torture? Go to the orthopaedic clinic and make a hole through the nail to let the blood drain out.
But can you guess what's worse than having a hole made through your nail? Let me tell you, having A FEW holes made through your nail. What's worse than that? Having the holes done by her genius fellow batchmates, who are her housemates too. The logic behind the holes? Simple! The more holes there are, the faster the blood would drain out, and the faster the pain would go away!
At the end, a beloved orthopaedic lecturer, Dr. N. came to check on the girls. And when he saw the 'holes'.. and asked for the reason behind it, confidently (I think), like answering an OSCE question, they mentioned their genius idea about relieving the pain faster.
Dr. N: If you want to introduce infection, you can poke all the holes you want. If you want to get rid of the pain, we can just amputate the thumb.
End of story.
Poor S. You should see her multiple-holed thumbnail. And her thumb still hurts like mad. The danger of trusting your batchmates/housemates to treat you.
*Note: I may have exaggerated some parts to make it more interesting. And for the last time, neither I nor Lydia nor Shangkeree was involved. |
posted by Sha @ 10:09 PM  |
Friday, September 08, 2006 |
Stupid cheating husbands, even more stupid wives |
Has our generation come to one where we believe it's alright for husbands to cheat on their wives? Or boyfriends to cheat on their girlfriends? And has the women of today become women who are so dumb, that they think men should be allowed to cheat on them? Because 'men can't control their lust'?? Have we gone from an era where women were liberated and burning bras back to the submissive prisoners who're willing to close one eye to their husbands' infidelity, in return that they have a so-called good life?
What's the point of all the equal opportunities we keep fighting for? I refuse to be one of these women. I refuse to be that dumb. After everything my parents have taught me about being a good wife, I will not allow all my hard work and sacrifices be spent on a lousy husband. I'm going to work hard now so that even if I do end up with a cheating husband, as soon as I catch him, I'm gone! I don't need his money, house etc. Whichever girl wants him, you can have him. I know I won't have a problem finding a better man, whatever my age is. Don't believe me? Check out my mother. 52 years old and still a hot mama :p
I just got fired up after reading Kenny Sia's blog. Ladies, read it! Guys, you should read it too.. but you can also check out the part about 'male-pattern baldness'.
I'm going to Jakarta next week with Linda! Finally!
*New addition: Ok, while I believe in fighting for yourself when someone treats you badly, I also believe in second chances and forgiveness. We are allowed to make mistakes (but not repeated mistakes!). But it's the husbands who think that they are not doing anything wrong when they cheat thats unforgivable. You can tell the marriage will only go downhill. God help the women out there. *sigh* |
posted by Sha @ 12:26 PM  |
Sunday, September 03, 2006 |
I deserve a longer holiday |
Show me what it's like To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right And I'll show you what I can be Say it for me Say it to me And I'll leave this life behind me Say it if it's worth saving me
For some reason, Nickelback's 'Savin' Me' song sounds like a Christian rock song.
Well, Semester 7 is over and done with. Semester 8, here I come. Truthfully, this is the first time I am not looking forward to a new semester. Something tells me that I'm going to be going through some hard stuff. I know this feeling. I've had it before. But in the end, if I trust my instincts and God, I'll pull through. I always have. As they say, hope for the best.
IMU gave us such a short break. But not a day went wasted on my part. As soon as the viva list was out, I rushed back to KL for a church conference. SIB's Exist 2006 Conference (E06). It was a 5-day affair filled with plenaries, devotion sessions, seminars, workshops, concerts and lastly, a community carnival. Everyone in my group of church friends joined the 'college stream'. Me being the type who's always curious about what the adults are talking about, joined the 'young adult stream' ALL BY MYSELF!
Wow, with no one else tagging along with me, it was a scary thought! To be alone among A LOT of young adults(I can't remember the total..300? 500?) and not know a single person??
But luck, or maybe God, as always was on my side. As soon as I arrived, feeling lost, an Indian guy asked me whether I needed help, and when I told him, he helped! And not just direct-you-where-to-go kind of help, he even introduced himself and became one of my new friends throughout the conference. Everytime we met after that, we'd crack a joke here and there and talk about the conference. Such a sweet guy! Must be my good looks that made him help me. Haha! Yo, it's my blog. I'll self-praise all I want.
The conference was great. Definitely an eye-opener. I made some new friends here and there. Learnt some new stuff that I'm sure would be useful to me. So in the end, I would definitely recommend attending a conference by yourself at least once in your life. If you don't learn anything from the conference itself, you'll definitely learn more about yourself. You'll see how strong you truly can be.

 I have no idea how someone managed to get this picture. That someone is SO gonna die.
Other than that, my break was mostly filled with shopping, watching DVDs, hanging out with my family and my best friend, Linda. Even went clubbing at Zouk! I refused to spend the night before results were out thinking that I would fail in my finals, so I ended up spending it dancing! Got to meet ChiaMing(finally!), KarSeng and some of their friends. KC came with us too. I had a good time as always.
ChiaMing, it was great to see you again. Have fun in Manchester! Oh ya, Linda and I think Nicholas is cute, if only he was a real Japanese.. Heehee.. :p |
posted by Sha @ 6:56 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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