Why did I choose medicine?! |
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 |
F.R.I.E.N.D = K.A.W.A.N |
Who are we without our dear friends..
Who make better friends? Guys or girls?
It's funny how once upon an 'immature' time, I used to think that the more guy friends you had, the more admired you were. So yeah, learnt much later that it was my girlfriends who meant more to me. Not that I don't appreciate the friendship I have with some guys.. it's just that I'm more comfortable opening up to girls. And girls make great confidants. It's cool that I know one or two guys I would tell my secrets or problems to, but most of the time I'd rather tell my girlfriends. But I do know this for a fact, guys don't tell (except for a few) but most girls do tell. But most of the time it doesn't bother me as long as the story stays within a certain circle. Am I right? Believe me, even I am guilty of letting loose certain confidential information..
Having girlfriends allow you to be bimbo-ish. There's always someone to shop with, late night talks about boys and gossip, excitement over fashion and beauty stuff, and the best part: hugging! Whenever you need a hug, you can definitely depend on your girlfriends. The thing you must be careful about girlfriends: Never betray the ones who are very close to you. A guy may forget about it and move on, most girls remember till the end. It's a protective mechanism I think.
With guys? What else if not to enjoy eating a buffet with! Not only that, who else can we bully into being gentlemen: making them carry stuff, drive you around, accompany you to creepy places.. I've not had much problems getting along with guys so far. The refreshing thing about having a guy friend is having a conversation that doesn't revolve around appearances and gossip. With a guy, you'd probably be talking about anything 'gadget-y'. And not forgeting computer games and 'anime'. Of course there are guys who gossip as well.
One more week for psychiatry to end.. orthopaedic, here I come.. |
posted by Sha @ 8:29 PM  |
Friday, March 10, 2006 |
The worst train ride |
There are days I think Lydia is smart for skipping Friday plenaries..
After what I thought was a beneficial lecture on ENT, I was dropped at the KTM station by Akmal somewhere around 4.45 p.m. As soon as I arrived, I noticed a huge crowd in the station. All lining up to buy tickets. Aaaarrrggghh!! Looks like the boarding school students are on holiday. Die. The line was so long. I went to line up to buy my ticket from the ticket machine, thinking the line would move faster. After 15 minutes, the machine decided to 'conk-out' and refused to accept notes. Thank God there was 2 seniors (Gene and Vijay) lining up to buy tickets from the ticket counter. They allowed me to cut queue and buy my ticket with them. *yeah* A junior even asked me later whether I wanted her to buy my ticket for me at another ticket machine (the benefit when you help out with orientation), but I declined, thinking it'd be a hassle for her. I didn't mind waiting in line with the seniors.
Then the next bad thing happened. The train was delayed for almost one hour! Thank God again for the 2 seniors! At least I was not bored to death..
When the train arrived, I didn't walk into the train, I was pushed into it! And lo and behold, luck was on my side again when a junior managed to save a seat for me despite the huge crowd pushing their way in the train. I sat next to her through the whole train ride, talking about studies and life in Seremban. I'm such a good senior..hehehe..*self-praise*
Just when I thought I'm an hour away from home, the train stopped 4 stations away from my destination! And it stopped for half-an-hour! Nooooo...!!! Even when it started moving again, it was so slow. And it kept stopping again and again.
When it finally reached the station I was coming off, it was 7.50 p.m. You count the hours it took me to reach there. I was so tired. And hungry. I couldn't wait to fall asleep on my bed.
By the time I reached home it was 8.30 p.m. *sigh*
Hopefully next week will not be a repeat. |
posted by Sha @ 9:48 PM  |
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 |
Call home |
I saw a woman come to the psychiatric clinic because of major depression. The reason for her feeling sad was because she misses her children terribly. Her son, who lives in the house with her, is hardly at home and hardly talks to her. She only hears from her daughter once a month.
I'm going to call my parents tonight. Just to let my mum hear my voice.
Go call yours. |
posted by Sha @ 9:54 PM  |
Friday, March 03, 2006 |
Psyched about psychiatry |
This was a week of irony and miracles.
Funny how things work out in the end, after one year of chaos. By the end of semester 6, I thought my life was such a crappy one. It was heartbreaking to see my dad get a heart attack and go for a bypass. I felt so miserable knowing that a friendship I valued and fought so hard for once upon a time didn't seem worth it anymore. And a posting that I was hoping to enjoy ended up disappointing me. The worst part of all, I felt like God was so far away from me..
So naturally, on the first week of semester 7, I expected it to be a dull week. I was happy to start a new semester, but I didn't really have much hope that I would be enjoying myself once classes started. Lydia and Shangkeree were in the same posting, I was all alone in psychiatry. Sad, man..
Surprisingly, I had a blast on my first day in the psychiatric ward. Everything was so interesting. And relaxing. And the patients, though weird and creepy most of the time, turned out to be quite funny individuals. I know it's bad to laugh at people with mental diseases, but sometimes the things they do are really funny! I wish I can tell about how each patient was, but I'll save that story for another time.
I've found a great group of brothers and sisters of Christ. Ru Wei, the president of SRC, brought me to a newly formed cell group consisting of sem8s. And the night I'd spent with them was an eye-opener. Everyone shared a testimony that moved me to tears. And when we prayed, I really felt that God was there with us. And somewhere deep inside me, something told me that this year was going to be an exciting one for me, and this group of friends were going to be the ones who'll help me along the way. God has a plan for me, and the time has come for me to carry it out. Hopefully I'll succeed in doing His Will.
Orientation was a blast. Made friends with a lot of juniors. Took them out for dinner around Seremban for 2 nights. There was so much to do this whole week, and I had so much fun! Now, I'm back in KL for the weekend and I'm thinking to myself," Wow, there really is life after tragedies." I guess when bad things happen in your life, and you feel like God is not there for you when you need Him, it's a time for you to decide, to be strong or to be weak.
I chose to be strong.
In the end, after the decision was made, God revealed Himself and helped me be strong. I guess I've passed whatever test He was giving me. I'm so proud of myself.
Wish me luck!
Can I stay in psychiatry forever? Heehee.. |
posted by Sha @ 10:17 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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