Why did I choose medicine?! |
Sunday, October 28, 2007 |
Batu Pahat |
Finally I can say something about Batu Pahat..
The land where there's so much food, and every lunch hour everyone will go, "Where to eat, ah?"
"Anywhere" or "Up to you"
If I owned my own restaurant, I'd call it "Anywhere" and "Up to You", and the food will be "What's nice here?" and "You choose-lah". Sure big business, no?
I don't know what's so great about this ais kacang.. but i crave for it almost everyday since Boren made me eat one..
Kopitiams seem to be the 'thing' in Batu Pahat. That, bakeries and boutiques.
Me: Boren, if Starbucks opened here, would it do well? Boren: No way!
Maybe Batu Pahat people are very loyal to their Rengit Coffee & OldTown Kopitiam.
Waiting to try out Kluang Station's famous coffee after our morning session in Kluang Hospital
There's this thing about BP people and hiking. The first place I went hiking was just 15 minutes of climbing up stairs which lead to a hut where you can have a scenic view of Batu Pahat.

Then there's the other one that almost killed me. 2.7km of uphill walking! My legs and heart have never worked so hard, that all the blood in my body was going to those parts, leaving my brain to run out of oxygen, giving me the worse nausea I have ever felt! But it was definitely a thrill to know that I didn't stop much. Thanks to deceivers like Boren & Daniel.
Me: We're stopping for awhile. Boren: Don't stop! Daniel: The view at the top is very nice! It's worth it!
 When we reached the top, the only view I saw was the road going downward! What the?! Boren even tried to lie to me by saying there's a famous Thai restaurant with nice TomYam soup and coconut drink at the peak. Waliao.. I'm not that dumb-lah. But I do admit, I did feel on top of the world when I managed to hike all 2.7km..
 Once in a while, we try to organize gathering to hang out together as a batch since it's our final semester together. Suddenly I feel so sad..
"When did Pizza Hut start serving birthday cakes?"
 "BP is now ours to conquer!" |
posted by Sha @ 8:54 PM  |
Friday, October 26, 2007 |
I miss Seremban |
I apologize for the lack of updates. If I was not busy, I was just plain lazy. How often does a final year medical student gets a chance to be lazy? Haha.
If you guys have noticed, I'd placed a site counter at the end of my blog, and since my last entry there were 138 visits(I think about 20 are mine). To those who repeatedly came hoping to see a new entry, I'm so sorry. I've taken out that counter already. It's just too much pressure to see how many people were coming to my blog each day.
Here are just some pictures I've had, taken during my last semester that I haven't put up on my blog.
This was taken in Poison Rose Port Dickson some time during our study break in the last semester. 2 girls visited KarSeng and CheeYoong's girlfriend came by also on the same day, so some of us went as spies to check out the female visitors.. Haha.. We were that bored in Seremban.
This was taken during Jenn's surprise birthday party. We were having our study group in campus that night, and quietly a large group came with the cake to surprise her. Azman's being a 'psych' patient candidate as usual..
Group picture! Can't you feel the love?
My last dinner together with my Christian Fellowship friends in Pizza Hut. Some of the greatest lessons in life I learnt during my CF meetings, and I learnt from these people, eventhough they are younger than me.
This was our celebration dinner at Chillis Midvalley. What better way to replace all the calories lost during stressful exam periods than a large helping of food!
I have more pictures to put up, and I'll do that slowly over this weekend. And thanks for being a statistic on my site counter and giving me pressure to update soon. And don't be a stranger-lah, I want to know who is reading my stuff, because I can only think of less than 20 people. Have those 20 people been coming to my blog 10 times since my last entry? Argh.. pressure.
posted by Sha @ 10:29 PM  |
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 |
What was the past 5 years for? |
I saw my mum cry yesterday.
A few days ago, she started having 'tinnitus' or what others describe as 'ringing in the ears'. We went to an ENT specialist in Gleneagles, and he told my mother that there's nothing he can give to stop the ringing, that she won't notice it anymore after some time. However, he did give one medication, saying there's no guarantee that it'll help but she can try it.
And that cost us RM180 (Note to self: I should work in Gleneagles).
I didn't really think much about my mum's problem after that visit. But last night, I came home from buying groceries and I saw a pastor, who's also a relative of ours, with his wife in my house. Shortly after that I saw my mum coming down the stairs to see him, her eyes looking like the world was about to collapse. I got the hint, went straight to my room, leaving my mum with the pastor and his wife. That's when I realized how serious things were.
So the pastor prayed for my mum and left. Later part of the night I jumped into my parents' bed and listened to my mum complain. She described the ringing to be so loud that it equals an aeroplane landing. It's driving her crazy. Her headaches are getting worse, she's not getting any sleep because she hears it more clearly when everything is quiet. She can't control her temper. The worst part is she's afraid that it'll get worse.
One stupid thing though, she went to see another pastor before this one, and that pastor told my mum that an evil spirit is holding on to her and causing all the problem. The more she tries to fight it, the more it'll hold on.
What?! How's that suppose to help? Now my mum is scared about evil spirits, no thanks to him.
The worst thing about knowing medicine, is when you find yourself in a situation where you don't know what to do. There my mum was, the strongest woman I know, crying. Within minutes, I started tearing. And all I could do the rest of the night was watch her cry herself to sleep. 'Shit-tiest' night of my life..
She seemed much better today. But I'm still feeling helpless. Does anyone know how to help my mum? |
posted by Sha @ 9:09 PM  |
Monday, October 15, 2007 |
Selamat Hari Raya |
How's holiday so far?
In short: My dad's about to cough blood soon if I keep asking for more money to go shopping.. heehee..
I've covered 1Utama, Ikano-The Curve-Cineleisure and Midvalley in 3 days. That leaves me with Sunway Pyramid, KLCC and Sungai Wang left! Unfortunately, I'm running out of money. Dang! There's still 6 days left, what to do? Study? Portfolio?? *sigh*
Raya-ing in "Hot-Stuff" Hady's house.. too bad the picture was spoilt by the sun behind us
posted by Sha @ 10:40 PM  |
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Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com
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