A mizdiagnosis

Why did I choose medicine?!

Thursday, January 03, 2008
This is for my comrades (C205)
2 and a half years in clinical school almost up.

Thank you for being a part of my world and making it brighter.

Wherever I go, it's wonderful to be greeted with a smile, or some 'silliness'.

For all you've done for me out of friendship, be it a small deed,

Or something grand,

Whether you're a hot chick,

Or a macho guy,

I shall remember you for the rest of my life. May God bless you with all things precious and beautiful.

I know it's been an exhausting 5 years..

But was the memories and friendship not worth it?

Whether we were in the dark,

Or in the brightest of moments,

we came through holding hands, stronger than ever.

C205, no matter what anyone says about our batch..

I know we'll prove to all that we are the best!

To all out there, watch out.. the doctors who'll change your world are coming out soon! Do you trust us?

God save the world. HAHA.

These pictures were taken during our recent Health Promotion and Village Adoption Project

P/S: I'm going to stop blogging temporarily. My focus is on getting my degree. Hopefully when I'm back, it'll be me announcing my graduation. See you soon.
posted by Sha @ 6:27 PM   1 comments
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Another year, another chance
Happy New Year 2008
May you have a great year ahead of you. God bless you always.

2006 was about experiences, 2007 was about growth, this year will be about achievements. From the way I see it, if I can do great things on my first year as a doctor, imagine where I'll be in years to come? First things first though: Graduation. Time to go get what I deserve.
posted by Sha @ 11:58 PM   0 comments

Name: Sha
DOB: 6th July
Email: shasynergy@gmail.com

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